Posts Tagged ‘google’

I tested Cuil

July 29, 2008

I had my first 2 visits brought by Cuil, the new sensation in search engines. They claim to have the web’s largest index. I made a few test-searches.

I typed “Marketing blogs” as a first test of Cuil: the first results page links to fellow bloggers like Toby Bloomberg (divamarketing) or Tom Walls, but mainly to blog directories (Junta42, blogcatalog, blogrankingstoprankblog,…)

Then I tried with “Marketing blog” and received maily links to blogs with titles like “internet marketing blog” “pharma marketing blog” or “legal marketing blog

I tested searches on Belgian major press titles like “La libre Belgique” (very satisfying results) and “Het laatste nieuws” (not satisfying at all)

As a final test, I “cuiled” my own name and YES, the results are very relevant.

The next big thing in search will probably be released by Microsoft. I can’t wait to test it.

Edit: also read Toni’s opinion